Monday, May 10, 2010

I need to rename this blog.

Because today is my second full day as a college graduate.

I no longer have the neon sign I always imagined hung over my head and declared to the world that I was a "student". I no longer have a to-do list that is dozens of items long.

Last night, as I was going to bed I tried to come up with an idea for what I could do today. I knew I was going to watch a lot of things on Hulu, but usually when that's my plan I feel a little bit of guilt for not writing that paper or not doing that research. Even on vacations, there was always something academic I should have been doing.

Not anymore.

I woke up and my father asked me if I was looking for a job today. I said no, because I can do that tomorrow. And its true, I don't have any more deadlines. At this point in my life, the only person who is going to be affected by my procrastination is me.

I feel a lot like a deflated balloon.

There's another image for you.

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