Sunday, December 20, 2009

There's a pretty big part of me

that wants to clean out this whole thing are start over. Someone commented to me the other day that I only write about sad things. All of my stories have a dreary edge to them. Not a dark, gothic side to them. Just the themes they deal with: loneliness, abandonment, and fear tend to be inescapable.

I guess I didn't quite realize this. I think of myself in positive upbeat terms, and in fact project that kind of personality, in order to avoid the things that are bothering me. Which is probably why they come out in my creative outlets. My characters don't always make these things clear to me.

I'm not going to turn my back on any of it, but I am going to grab hold of a new happiness that I've achieved and try to wrestle with it a little bit. Let's see what happens.

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