Monday, April 7, 2008

Its kind of funny, isn't it,

It seems it's a very human characteristic to bare ourselves.

We admit things. We have emotional displays in front of others. We embarass ourselves. We all partake in activities that will bond us. These our like fishing lines being sent out with the desperate hope of catching onto something and anchoring us. Surely, if these connections are made then everything can be a bit more real.

I can believe in God because 'they' told me about their feelings.

However, this still presents a stumbling block. In spite of all my human experiences.

No one actually knows anything about who I am.

I don't actually know anything about who I am. Who I am appears to be just a jumble of the pieces of the world I have seen. The sounds I have heard. The foods I have tasted. How am I supposed to explain everything to someone else?

So I, and we all, make short cuts. We compile the person we are into a few short facts - I like vinyl's and I do not like scrambled eggs.

I am feeling disconnected and at the same time, I have no idea what I am feeling.

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