Monday, June 2, 2008

Because my friends are readers,

1. Grab the nearest book.

2. Open the book to page 123.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post it, and the next 2-3 sentences along with these instructions.

5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest (unless it's too troublesome to reach and is really heavy. Then go back to step 1).

6. See if anyone can guess what book it's from.

"She would have to send her kisses on the wind, hoping that the wind would touch the boy's face, and would tell him that she was alive. That she was waiting for him, a woman awaiting a courageous man in search of his treasure. From that day on, the desert would represent only one thing to her: the hope for his return."