Friday, January 2, 2009


The most sure fire way for me to guarantee I won't do something is to make it mandatory, which is why I don't like New Years Resolutions. Its impossible to say you want to lose weight, when your house is full of Christmas snacks. Its impossible to say you want to do well in school when school is still eleven days away.

I can say this - From here on out I want to wake up every morning and think about what I have to be thankful for. (Though I complain, I have more to be thankful for then grouch about).

Last night, I sat in the snow on a hill in New Hampshire. I stepped out onto a lake and believed for a few seconds that it would crack beneath my feet. I flew in the dark towards a snow bank and closed my eyes and let the impact come.

I can say this - I want to be willing to say, I will try that.

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